Naming our Library


Welcome to the Isthmus

Isthmus: narrow strip of land connecting two large land areas otherwise separated by bodies of water. Isthmuses are of great importance in plant and animal geography because they offer a path for the migration of plants and animals between the two land masses they connect.

Thanks so much for your input in naming the school library. By popular demand, the MET library will be known as The Isthmus. 
 Bridges are inherently symbolic.  In selecting the name, we suppose that you all knew that we envision the library as a bridge between PYP and Secondary, between ideas and action, between reality and the imagination.
It is human nature to seek connection and union and we simply love the idea of crossing between the gaps and uniting with someone or something.  
So, now that choosing a name is water under the bridge, come to The Isthmus and check out a book.
Tisha Meadows

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