Once upon a Time...

Once upon a time, in the Isthmus nestled in the heart of the school, a group of grade three children and their teachers gathered to celebrate a Fairy Tale Reading Day to kick off their new writing unit. The event was magical.

As the children arrived dressed in fairy tale costumes. I spotted a magical fairy, a brave knight, a wise old wizard, and a mischievous jester, among others. They entered the library (our magic kingdom) and they couldn't wait to start the celebration.

I started the event by talking to them about the history of fairytales followed by reading a modern take on the Cinderella tale. After the story, I asked the children questions about the adaptation and its similarity to the original tale.

The atmosphere was electric, and everyone was excited about beginning to learn about the genre of fairytales and creating powerful adaptations.

As the celebration drew to a close, the children and their teachers posed happily for the camera.

The end...


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